De Cineribus Resurgemus.

From the Ashes, We Rise.

Welcome to The Phoenix Vanguard Page

Located on Mateus of the Crystal Data Centre of Final Fantasy 14, We are a 18+ Social RP group, holding events weekly that cover most if not all areas of the game.Our roleplay is based on -consensual- events, as we air on the lighter side of dark roleplay.

Crystal, Mateus, Mists, Ward 25, Plot 1

About Us

The Phoenix Vanguard <Ashes> was formed on November 3rd, 2022 with a small group of good friends, quickly gaining ground and relationships within the community of Final Fantasy 14 on Mateus of the Crystal Data centre.We currently have a small group of friends, all helping each other in all aspects of the game and helping our newer members whether they be sprouts or veterans, a lot of our members are also new to roleplay and therefore learning from the ground up with patience and guidance from our more veteran roleplayers, we base our roleplay on the lighter side of dark as Pirates fronting as Mercenaries and Venue owners, for the backstory feel free to go to the related area at the top.We continue to build upon our relationships in the community, helping in areas where needed including some of the bigger events happening on the mateus server where possible.For more information feel free to poke Xyla Vylerni, Z'iro Bloodthorn who are our co-leaders, One of our council, Foxtrot Yankee, The Officers in training, Joundi Bisaine and Umi Kanzato or any one of our growing members if you aren't able to catch one of us.We hope to hear from you soon or better yet see you around in game to interact with either through roleplay or just casually!

Our Backstory

The Vengeful Phoenix, a menacing war galleon that once sailed under the command of a ruthless, tyrannical captain without a code, without limits and rules, without mercy or morals.
This mans reign was short but vicious before he was overthrown by his former first officer - now Captain Z'iro Bloodthorn in a bloody mutiny that claimed one third of the crews lives.
It was in the aftermath of the shipboard slaughter that Captain Bloodthorn and the newly elected Quartermaster, Xyla Vylerni opted to forge a code of conduct and restructure the late captains operations, dividing them into the seafaring sect that would remain aboard the Phoenix full time and the mercenary sect which would make its home in the Mists, accepting contracts in-land that sat beyond the reach of their flagship and sending those upon the seas back to the Phoenix.With operations divided and a singular point of failure removed, the group rebranded itself jointly as the Phoenix Vanguard, now operating under the guise of a private military contracting group.

[OOC] Officercore

The Phoenix Vanguard is a jointly led FC by the leadership, both IC and OOC, We then have the Phoenix Council who are our senior officers and the Phoenix Guard who are our officers in training.We then have our retired officers who do not work as actively as they once did but will still take inquiries, some light recruitment and help in more of an advisory role where needed and still valued members of the officer core.


Xyla VylerniXyla is one of our two leaders, usually found staring at a retainer bell, the FC chest, crafting or running around like a headless chicken, she often takes care of the admin side but is always willing to lend a helping hand to any member, sprout or vet that may need it and always looking for roleplay opportunities.

Z'iro BloodthornZ'iro is one of our two leaders, usually found running Crystaline conflict or Frontlines when he isn't tirelessly working on the FC's campaign for all the members or giving a helping hand to anyone that may need it, when he's not working on the campaign or helping out members he can be found looking for contacts, roleplay or checking out a club or two!

Phoenix Council

Foxtrot YankeeFoxtrot is one of our founding members and our senior officer, they run our PVP nights along with some recruitment and keeping spirits high, usually found at a venue at night or helping out our members!

Phoenix Guard

Joundi BisaineJoundi is one of our officers in training and always willing to give any of our members or potential recruits a hand with any area of the game, usually found running PVE, PVP and enjoying some roleplay, you will rarely find him standing still for very long.

Umi KanzatoUmi can be found usually enjoying various areas of roleplay or trying on various outfits and putting them together to cover all eventualitys, always willing to lend a helping hand she's recently begun running her own mini RP campaign for members to enjoy!

Retired Officer

Ceres RoseCeres is one of our founding members and can usually be found running some form of PVE content, taking screenshots or just hanging out around the FC house, Although retired they help with our recruitment and is always willing to lend a helping hand to any of our members.

Ellie Dawnseeker


  • We have a tavern that is open 24 hours to the public. [Mateus, Mists, Ward 25, Plot 1]

  • Flyers are discreetly dotted around with coded messages for those who know what they are looking for.

  • The Mercenary side are always open to contracts.

  • The Vengeful Phoenix is likely well known to those who are in the right circles.

  • Both sections have become known to be skilled in the private military contract section.

Sunset Manor

Location: Mists, Ward 25 Plot 1With a commanding view overlooking the entirety of the 25th ward of the Mists down to the waterfront, Sunset Manor is the Headquarters of the Phoenix Vanguard. It is here the Vanguard makes it's home and meticulously plans it's operations throughout Eorzea, upon it's seas and beyond.

The Midnight Garden

Location: Mists, Ward 25 Plot 8Seated directly across from Sunset Manor at the peak of Ward 25 in the Mists, the Midnight Garden serves as a quiet grove where members of the Phoenix Vanguard and their allies can relax and escape from the outside world.

Out Of Character

We hold events daily ranging from PVE to PVP to Roleplay that are open to friends and members.

Mondays: We have PVP / Crystaline Conflict night usually led by either Foxtrot Yankee or Ceres Rose!Tuesdays: we head out to a Roleplay venue, sometimes we will stay at the house but lately members have been enjoying all the RP venues currently out there across the crystal data centre.Wednesdays: PVE Night, This ranges from Mount farms, Fates, Variant Dungeons and more.Thursdays: Campaign night led by Captain Z'iro Bloodthorn if no campaign then it's RP at the house!Fridays: Map night, Maps range from all levels depending on the lowest level joining us for the night!Saturdays: Are Social or Game Night depending on whats decided on, both involve hanging out, chatting with good food, drinks if you wish, games, venues and getting to know each other more!Sundays: Campaign Night led by Captain Z'iro Bloodthorn, if there is no campaign this changes to either a free for all night or RP at the house or a venue of the members choice!

One of our members are usually hanging out at the house either inside or outside and always willing to point you in the right direction if you need help, or just message anyone on the Officer core list and they'll be happy to answer any questions you might have for us.We are currently also looking for new members to join us whether it's for RP or just to join our many weekly events, with dawntrail coming up we are also looking to set up a relaxed static for our members to delve into.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • "Are you currently recruiting?" Yes we are! Feel free to apply on our community page on the lodestone or poke one of us in game!

  • "What kind of roleplay do you do?" We are a pirate & mercenary RP free company, we tend to roleplay on the lighter side of the dark roleplay meaning we only do consentual roleplay that was discussed earlier ooc with the people involved, we do -not- accept under any circumstance extreme NSFW roleplay.

  • "Do you do anything else other than roleplay?" We most certainly do, we have events that range from PVP to PVE, not just roleplay, we are also looking to start up a static for our members once Dawntrail launches this summer!

  • "What timezone do your events begin?" Most of our events begin between 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.